Sunday, May 18, 2008

I feel like bitching

So I'm sitting in my apartment that is um...90 degrees. It's 89 degrees outside. Does anyone see something wrong with this picture? Really isn't it supposed to be cooler inside than outside during the summer? Yes. It got to 104 degrees here in Hell, I mean Las Vegas. Tomorrow it shall be about 107 degrees. Hell. Ugh. Why did I ever move here? The airconditioner was apparently "fixed" today. Don't know what they did since the little light for emergency heat is still going on and it's just the fan going. The actually AC is not running. This the second time they've "fixed" my airconditioner. Seriously?? WTF. I had a problem with my AC when I first moved in back in August. It took them SEVEN tries to fix the leaking pipes. You know if people did their jobs right the first time and used the PVC glue to keep the pipes glued together and from leaking...UGH. I'm going to melt before I move to Atlanta. By next month I'll just be a puddle and I'll be getting mailed to Leigh in a few gallon zip-lock bags. That's...a disturbing image. Anywho. I blame the heat for my ramblings.

Now I'm going to dream of being zip locked into baggies. Damn. My own damn fault too. The AC better be fixed tomorrow. I will be quite irritated otherwise.

1 comment:

kenju said...

I think I would run the tub full of cool water and just sit in it! Hope you get cool today. Michele says hi!