Friday, July 22, 2011

115 MPH to Nowhere (1)

Contrary to what people may think, I am not an open book. Surprise, surprise, I know. I certainly have my moments when I will blab about whatever has happened in my life. Typically that’s rare and when it happens it’s two in the morning. I could say that I don’t discuss my past because of my parents. That is partly true. I also, could tell you about how I think that my past is boring to me and why in the hell would you want to hear about it? Do you really want to hear about how I could have been in prison at age 11 for four counts of attempted murder and arson? Or how about the incest (that isn’t actually incest) that happened about eight years ago? Really, my family; all things considered, is pretty fucking normal. Maybe they’re not normal and they’re actually super fucked up but it just feels normal to me now.

I wouldn’t even know where to begin with stuff. Good or bad? Or should I just mix it all together like a bad drink? Bad drink it is!

crazy random life be continued

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