Friday, August 1, 2008

It's official!!

It is actually my last of day of work at the O&P shop I've worked at for 13 months. They aren't extending my time anymore and not even giving me a part time offer. I personally think they're making a mistake since two of the guys that work there don't know how my boss likes things done when he has braces made and he's fuckin' picky. Oh yes. Mwahaha. I'm laughing inside though. They're bummed I'm leaving...two months after my two week notice. I told them I'd come in and help out maybe if they really need it. I do have a part time job already lined up and I'll be working there only 2 days a week but's something. I have an interview that will be set up in two weeks, after the manager gets back from vacation, at another place where I'd be working full time if I'm hired.

It's kinda exciting leaving a job...bumming at the same time because it income...but exciting at the same time. I'll have lots of time to get a whole lot done. It means I won't have to leave work early to go deal with social security and with medical insurance, which I have none of at the moment and there are doctor's appointments I need to get to.

So...yes. I actually went to the gym this morning for an hour and a half as well. I haven't been regularly for about 3 months or so now. I'll be laying in bed all day tomorrow not able to move. I wish. Too much to do.

Sad thing boss is bringing in donuts this morning. If I have kinda cancels out my whole workout. Just one. Tomorrow I start a real good diet and stick to it. Yes.

Anyhow....last day of work starts in 12 minutes. Toodley!


MaR said...

Michele sent me to wish you luck on the job hunt!
and on the diet :)
Are the 12 minutes over yet???

Thumper said...

Michele sent me to be really minute I clicked a link to a mini-city and then when I went to was GONE! I hope I did not destroy your mini city... either that or I'm losing my freaking mind...

Andi said...

I hope that you find a job that makes you really happy and wish you well on the workout/diet efforts. Michele sent me. :-)